Jun 26Liked by Jesse J. Anderson

Maybe because I’m AutiHD, but I definitely have avoidant thoughts but they are not positive! I am so overwhelmed by the consequences of failure (not doing a work report well and losing my job, my family becoming homeless and dying) that I have days of less traction on project than I’d like until that fear is so powerful I go into hyperfocus to avoid calamity.

Working on using self-regulating to calm down and not expect 110% of myself as a baseline standard but it’s still a challenge. It’s eye opening to understand that this avoidant positive mental process also exists!

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Jun 26Liked by Jesse J. Anderson

Hey Amy this is Skye, thanks so much for your comment and glad I helped show you some new research! Yes, we are still all so different! One of the reasons it's always good to test and trouble-shoot these kinds of systems. :)

We know that emotional regulation is a big struggle with ADHD as well and it sounds like that is showing up for you. That plus perhaps a little self-criticism? Research has found that we can be more prone to it since we receive more criticism growing up compared to neurotypical peers. Take care of yourself. 🙏

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